Situational Analysis

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Situational Analysis

Safe, low-cost and year-round productivity

Unsafe and high-cost productions are the main issues that reduce profit and sometime loss in each production cycle. It also affected the health of producers and consumers. These are because of producers are facing high climate risk such as long dry season and heavy rain in rainy season without coping strategies. The local ecosystem was not study and tested with different crops and animals. The capacity of producers on Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Agroecological (AE) production techniques and Digital Information Communication and Technology (ICT) capacity to access the production techniques and standards and marketing information are low.

The producers are facing production challenges of producing types of contracted vegetables such as cabbages, Chinese cabbages, cauliflower, bell pepper etc. because of high climate risk and the ecosystem of each type were not identified. The producers’ capacity on Climate Smart Agriculture (CMA) and Agroecological (AE) production techniques are limited. These could increase production cost that leads to low profit or loss. Most farmers, especially model farmers have smart phone, but their capacity to use smart phone to access to CSA and AE production techniques, to share their knowledge and experiences, to promote their products and to link with buyers are limited. All of these are leads to unsafe and high-cost productions that lead to low profit and lost.

Safe food subsistence and income through ACs functioning

The functioning of grassroot ACs to support safe food subsistent and income are still limited. This is because of the ACs institutional, business development and strengthening capacity and networking are still limited. Based on the capacity need assessment on the AC governance, financial management, business development and strengthening and members mobilization, all ACs have the capacity from low to medium levels. Most of them are low capacity in business functioning for increasing members’ income.