On 25th January 2023 DPA-staff participated in National Consultation Forum on Indigenous Women’s Issues and Challenges on Law Enforcements and Two Draft New Laws on Fishery and Natural Protected Areas at HIMAWARI Hotel, Phnom Penh. There were 95 participations (F:39) from Senate, National Assembly, Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Justice, NGOs, and Indigenous communities. The National Consultation Forum aims to:
• Provide opportunities for indigenous women and rights activist to present their issues and challenges direct to Senate, National Assembly, and relevant ministries in related to law enforcement and especially the safeguarding of IPs over their cord identity, economic and social in relation to traditional occupations, belief and rights to manage and used over their land and natural resources.
• To update the result of the integration of the IPs inputs on the two draft new laws on Forestry and protected natural Areas from the relevant ministry
• To promote the land and natural resources used and management security for indigenous women and communities living with dignity, sustainability, and peace.