The meeting focused on the establishment of an agricultural cooperatice for farmers

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On September 10, 2024, the DPA staffs in Mondulkiri Province, in collaboration with the Agricultural Cooperative Development Office of the Mondulkiri Provincial Department of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries, facilitated a meeting led by Mr. Phan Mantha, Deputy of Agricultural Cooperative Development Office. The meeting focused on the establishment of an agricultural cooperatice for farmers in two villages within Rayor commune, encompassing a total of 107 families (including 66 women).

The result of the meeting included:
1. Presentation of the DPA project program, with an emphasis on promoting sustainable agricultural growth and enhancing farmers’ livelihoods through agricultural market integration.
2. An introduction to the concept of Agricultural Cooperative.
3. Explanation of what constitutes an agricultural cooperative.
4. Discussion on the importance of farmers uniting as agricultural cooperative.
5. Overview of the common characteristics and objectives of forming an agricultural cooperative.
6. Explanation of the differences between agricultural cooperative and private companies.
7. Exploration of the core values and principles of agricultural cooperative.
8. Clarification of the structure and roles within agricultural cooperative as defined by the Law on Agricultural Cooperative.