DPA-SABRE team supported the HRDs attend the National Consultation Meeting with Ministry of Environment (MoE)

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On November 6, 2024, the DPA-SABRE team organized a pre-consultation meeting in MDK province with 27 HRDs (15 women, 12 men) to gather community input on natural resource management (NRM) and prepare participants for a national consultation with the Ministry of Environment (MoE). The meeting enhanced HRDs’ confidence in public speaking and provided strategies for offering constructive inputs, with reflections highlighting the elder generation’s extensive experience in Community Protected Area (CPA) management. On November 7, 15 HRDs attended the national consultation, where the Onlong Chrey community presented its CPA progress and management. HRDs actively participated in discussions, raising inputs about CPA challenges, technical support, and illegal activities to the circular strategies on environment 2023-2028. Their contributions led the ministry to accept and document their suggestions for future action, marking a significant step in collaborative NRM efforts.

On 06th November 2024, the DPA-SABRE team held a pre-meeting with HRDs in community-protected areas to brainstorm and gather community inputs and concerns for HRDs to present at the national consultation meeting with the Ministry of Environment in Mondulkiri province on 07th November 2024.

On 7th November 2024, the DPA-SABRE team supported 14 HRDs in participating in the National Consultation Meeting with the Ministry of Environment at the Provincial Department of Environment in Mondulkiri province. During the meeting, the HRDs shared inputs and concerns regarding the situation in community-protected areas, based on the Circular Strategies on Environment 2023-2028

Strengthening Accountable Business Practices through Respect and Engagement (SABRE)

#Funding support from the EU 🇪🇺