In November and December 2024, the DPA Executive Director received an invitation to attend an inter-ministerial meeting at the Ministry of Environment (MoE) to review and provide inputs on three EIA reports. To ensure the specific needs of the affected community members were addressed, the DPA-SABRE team actively gathered detailed inputs from both directly and indirectly affected communities, as well as local authorities in the areas surrounding the company operations. These inputs focused on public participation and highlighted the social and environmental concerns raised by the communities and local authorities. As a result, the inputs were agreed upon and accepted by the mining company owners and supported by the relevant ministries.
The field of data collection and EIA report review with the effected community members from the gold mining company in Ratanakiri province.
The EIA report reviewed with the (a) local authorities in Ratanakiri province and (b) direct and indirect the effected community members in Kompong Tom province.
The EIA report reviewed with the (a) direct and indirect the effected community members by the iron exploration company and (b) local authorities in Ratanakiri province.
The DPA Executive Director attended three the inter-ministerial meetings at the Ministry of Environment (MoE) to share inputs on the three EIA reports, based on the actual needs of the affected community members, which were gathered through fieldwork conducted by the DPA-SABRE team.
Strengthening Accountable Business Practices through Respect and Engagement (SABRE)
Funding support from the EU