On 27th October 2022, Mr. Mam Sambath, Executive Director and his colleges of Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) participated in Annual Partnership Meeting 2022 at Somadevi Angkor Hotel, Siemreap province. There were 45 participants (F:21), including head of organization/representative, head of programmed/programmed staff, finance manager and finance staffs from COMFREL, CCC, CCFC, CENTRAL, GADC, CIPO, YRDP, DPA, NPA, and NGOF. The meeting was hosted by NPA organization in the purpose of:
1. reflect on common key achievements, challenges, lessons learnt of partners/NPA
2. identify partners’ contribution to agreed result framework for 2023
3. reflect the collaboration between NPA and partners and
4. share and update the context and situation in 2022 and 2023.