On 21-24 June 2022, Development and Partnership in Action (DPA) organized its annual staff reflection and assembly in Siem Reap province.
Mrs. Keo Keang, Chairwoman of DPA Board delivered opening remarks.
Mr. Mam Sambath, DPA Executive Director delivered welcome remarks.
Organizational accountability presented by Chairwoman of DPA Governing board to all DPA staff.
Mr. Mam Sambath provided souvenir to the Chairwoman of DPA Governing board during DPA staff assembly

Presentation chart of DPA Partnership project in Preah Vihear impressed by Chairwoman of DPA Governing board.

The team of Siem Reap Integrated Community Development Project shared the experience
and lessons learnt on gender road map.
and lessons learnt on gender road map.

The team of Mondulkiri Integrated Community Development Project presented the key project achievement.

The team of Ratanakiri Integrated Community Development Project presented the key project achievement.

The team DPA Partnership project presented the key project achievement.

The team of Advocacy Project presented the key project achievement.

The team of Preah Vihear Integrated Community Development Project presented the key project achievement.

The team of Stung Treng Integrated Community Development Project presented the key project achievement.

The team of Kampong Thom Integrated Community Development Project presented the key project achievement.

Role play on Community Organizing.

Mr. Mom Bunna provided feedback on role play on Community Organizing.

Presentation of Mr. Kuy Sophal on Climate Smart Agriculture and Agroecology to all DPA staff.

Introduction of DPA Agroecology team and their roles to DPA staff.

Participant asked the questions on climate smart agriculture.

Group discussion of ICD Preah Vihear team on mainstreaming agroecology in the project.

Group discussion of ICD Siem Reap team on mainstreaming agroecology in the project.

Group discussion of ICD Mondulkiri team on mainstreaming agroecology in the project.

Mr. Sam Phirom presented the level of entrepreneurship knowledge in the business initiatives.

DPA staff, management, and board group photo.

Team Building activities in Siem Reap province.

Game on effective observation and information collection.

Game on communication skills (Body language)