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Distributed Cassava Stem
» ICD News » Distributed Cassava Stem
ICD Kampong Thom distributed Cassava stem for 90 farmers (420 stems per farmer).
About Integrated Community Development Programme (ICD Programme)
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Improve family’s income through pepper planting (ICD News Menu)
farmer field day to learn and share the good practices of rice growing (SKO variety)
Community Protected Area (CPA) inventory
Drum Seeder Demonstration on the sowing technique of rice seed
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ICD’s Target Provinces
ICD Mondulkiri
Project Title: He Oranga Taurikura (A Thriving Life)
Outcome: a. Improved health and wellbeing
Outcome: b. Stronger, more economic and climate-resilient households.
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: Rice Tech Cambodia
Outcome: a. Organic rice production for marketing
Outcome: b. Rice fish production piloting
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
ICD Kompong Thom
Project Title: Community-Led Total Sanitation and Access to Drinking Water in Cambodia
Outcome: a. Improved sanitation and hygiene have advanced towards declaring themselves Open Defecation Free (ODF).
Outcome: b. Increased access to safe drinking water throughout the year from fully functioning DWS, and most vulnerable households access safe drinking water through household water filters
Outcome: c. Communities and primary schools have improved sanitation and hygiene practices.
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: Improving Food Security, Livelihood, DRR and Gender Equality in Siem Reap
Outcome: a. Increased household income through increased appropriate agricultural production techniques and sale.
Outcome: b. Increased access to and availability of food of most vulnerable households
Outcome: c. Poor and vulnerable beneficiaries in eight disaster-prone villages have reduced require external assistance following flooding or drought and CFi members in two villages increased fish brood stocks from the protection of fishery resources along Stung Sen River
Outcome: d. Female and male community members actively involved in promoting and protecting the rights of women
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
ICD Siem Reap
Project Title: Promoting Community Based Climate Change Adaptation in Siem Reap
Outcome: a. 100% = 1,318 (883 females, 435 males) producer group (PG) members of Agricultural Cooperative (AC), non-AC PGs reporting an increase in their households’ income from selling rice, chicken and vegetable
Outcome: b. 95% = 1,268 (893 females, 373 males) out of total 1,335 informal agricultural group (IAG) members and 93% = 207 out of total 223 most vulnerable households (VHHs) in the 28 villages are food secure all months of the year through increasing rice production, livestock rearing, companion vegetable growing
Outcome: c. 90% = 2,742 (1,640 females, 1,102 males) out of 3,047 vulnerable villagers in the 28 disaster-prone villages reported an increase in their capacity to adapt to and mitigate natural disaster risks from extreme weather events (such as drought or flood) through the implementation of local disaster management and emergency response plans, as well as the promotion of resilient agriculture practices
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: Rural Employment for COVID-19 Economic RECOVER
Outcome: a. Smallholder farmers and fishers have increased food production and consumption in the horticulture and livestock value chains through their use of effective agricultural practices, products, and services.
Outcome: b. Returnee labour migrants and laid-off workers in COVID-19 affected sectors have improved access to market-relevant skills, affordable finance, and social protection
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
ICD Stung Treng
Project Title: Sustainable and Resilient Livelihood
Outcome: a. Farmers producer groups (rice, cassava, cashew nut, vegetable, and chicken) have diversified and increased crop production, with access to new markets; and SHSG members have access to saving loans for farming activities
Outcome: b. Vulnerable households (chicken and cow) have increased livestock production, and households from CF, CPA and CFi members increased household food and earned additional household income from a sustainable collection of, processed, and sale of fish paste, pickle fish, and NTFPs
Outcome: c. Households in six communities have increased access to safe drinking water throughout the year from fully functioning DWS; and households in two communities and four primary schools have improved sanitation and hygiene practices
Outcome: d. Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) households in eight disaster-prone villages have reduced require external assistance following flooding or drought
Outcome: e. In 13 villages, female and male beneficiaries have actively involved in promoting and protecting the rights of women
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
Project Title: Sustainable strengthening of the resilience of vulnerable rural households, communities and local protection structures and mechanisms to climate-related shocks and crises
Outcome: a. Adaptation and diversification of livelihoods – The livelihoods of 1,438 smallholder farming families (6,069 people) are less vulnerable to climate change-induced extreme weather events through the adaptation and diversification of their agricultural production and/or income sources, as well as through the promotion of community work
Outcome: b. Disaster Risk Reduction – Reduced risk to climate-related disasters for 15,833 vulnerable people through strengthening local structures, mechanisms and capacities for sustainable disaster prevention and preparedness at community, municipal and district levels
Outcome: c. Protection and conservation of local ecosystems – Reduced pressure on local ecosystems through improved management and protection of 2,100 hectares of forests in need of protection and through sustainable reduction of pollution in the 40 target communities
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
Project Title: Improved Climate Resilience in Cambodia
Outcome: a. Women and the most vulnerable groups are empowered to take leadership roles and actively engage in climate change and risk reduction action platforms, structures, and networks at the national and sub-national levels to advocate for strengthened climate change, DRR, and emergency management-related policies and programs
Outcome: b. Women and the most vulnerable families are empowered and have increased access to assets, resources, and services to support their livelihoods and strengthen their resilience and adaptation capacities, especially in climate-resilient, and sustainable/regenerative agriculture and livelihoods
Outcome: c. Women, smallholder farmers, the most vulnerable groups, youth, local school children, school teachers, and community-based organizations (CBOs) have increased knowledge and skills through robust and long-term learning on transformative adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable/regenerative agriculture, as well as practicing a clean and green environment
ICD Preah Vihear
Project Title: Facilitating Partner Community-Led Economic Development, Resilience Communities and Forest Management
Outcome: a. Farmer producers in 17 villages have increased income from improved agricultural practice to add value to agricultural products and markets
Outcome: b. Poor and poorest households, poor female-headed households (FHH), and people living with disability (PLWD) in 17 villages have increased food security from vegetables and livestock productions
Outcome: c. Most vulnerable households (female-headed households [FHH], people living with disability [PLWD], and poorest households in four villages improved access to best practice in participatory approach for sanitation facilities and DRR; and villagers in 17 villages increased ability and resources to reduce natural disaster risks
Outcome: d. Beneficiaries in eight villages protected, secured their forests and forestland 13,588 hectares and sustainably used those resources as a resource for improving livelihoods
Outcome: e. 17 villages, women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making on economic, social, and development work at village and commune levels is ensured
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: He Oranga Taurikura (A Thriving Life)
Outcome: a. Improved health and wellbeing
Outcome: b. Stronger, more economic and climate-resilient households
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: Climate Resilience for All (CREFA)
Outcome: c. Climate Resilience Techniques (CRT): Contribute to local communities are better able to transform the risks of climate change into development opportunities
Project Title: He Oranga Taurikura (A Thriving Life)
Outcome: a. Improved health and wellbeing
Outcome: b. Stronger, more economic and climate-resilient households
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: Sustainable strengthening of the resilience of vulnerable rural households, communities and local protection structures and mechanisms to climate-related shocks and crises
Outcome: a. Adaptation and diversification of livelihoods – The livelihoods of 1,438 smallholder farming families (6,069 people) are less vulnerable to climate change-induced extreme weather events through the adaptation and diversification of their agricultural production and/or income sources, as well as through the promotion of community work
Outcome: b. Disaster Risk Reduction – Reduced risk to climate-related disasters for 15,833 vulnerable people through strengthening local structures, mechanisms and capacities for sustainable disaster prevention and preparedness at community, municipal and district levels
Outcome: c. Protection and conservation of local ecosystems – Reduced pressure on local ecosystems through improved management and protection of 2,100 hectares of forests in need of protection and through sustainable reduction of pollution in the 40 target communities
Project Information
a. Proposal
b. Narrative Reports
c. Evaluation Reports
d. Case Study
e. Baseline Reports
Project Title: Improved Climate Resilience in Cambodia
Outcome: a. Women and the most vulnerable groups are empowered to take leadership roles and actively engage in climate change and risk reduction action platforms, structures, and networks at the national and sub-national levels to advocate for strengthened climate change, DRR, and emergency management-related policies and programs
Outcome: b. Women and the most vulnerable families are empowered and have increased access to assets, resources, and services to support their livelihoods and strengthen their resilience and adaptation capacities, especially in climate-resilient, and sustainable/regenerative agriculture and livelihoods
Outcome: c. Women, smallholder farmers, the most vulnerable groups, youth, local school children, school teachers, and community-based organizations (CBOs) have increased knowledge and skills through robust and long-term learning on transformative adaptation, disaster risk reduction, and sustainable/regenerative agriculture, as well as practicing a clean and green environment
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