Holding first founded general assembly to officially form agricultural cooperative

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Holding first founded general assembly to officially form agricultural cooperative

JIARTK team cooperated with local authority, target community and officials from PDAFF to organize two one-day meeting at village level to hold first founded general meeting aiming at receiving the official recognition two newly established agricultural cooperatives from PDAFF. One meeting was conducted at village level in Saom Trok village, and other one in Tang Se village with the total 153 people (F: 75) attended. In first founded general assembly, cooperative members endorsed and approved the following topics prepared during pre-first founded general assembly: the name of cooperative, the cost of share, the membership fee, the location of working office, electing Board of Directors, Board of Auditors, endorsement of internal rule and by-low of cooperative, endorsed objectives/businesses of the cooperative, and approved first business for implementation in first fiscal year after formulation of cooperative.

Holding first founded general assembly to officially create agricultural cooperative​ at Saom Trok village

Holding first founded general assembly to officially create agricultural cooperative​ at Saom Trok village

Holding first founded general assembly to officially create agricultural cooperative​ at Tang Se village