The DPA team in Kampong Thom facilitated a meeting between SoA and the rice community group to promote Rice DS1 (Japonica) and plan to supply to the Rice Company through contract farming in Meanchey commune, Sandan district, Kampong Thom province.
Properties of Japonica Rice DS1, [DS1 was selected from imported Japonica rice variety. DS1 was approved by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for producing and trading in Vietnam.]
– Resilience to climate change.
– Resilience to various harmful factors that interfere with the yield (fungi, pests and diseases).
– Average yield is between 5-8 tons/ha. With good intensive farming, the yield can increase considerably.
– We can purify the air well, which helps the environment and can be grown in areas polluted by various industrial plants.
– Contains minerals, iron and calcium (Fe & Ca) and contains Vitamin B1, B2 & E.