DPA Participated in Green Inclusive Growth Conference at Regional Level and CAFOD Regional Partner Workshop

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From the 25th to 26th of March, 2014 DPA participated on the Green Inclusive Growth (GIG) Conference for South East Asia: Exploring Green Inclusive Growth Principles and Practice. This two-day conference was organized at Apsara Angkor Resort and the conference was directed by CAFOD. DPA was an exhibitor during the conference along with other organizations that work at national and regional levels; organizations such as: the NGO Forum, IESR, KSI, Banteay Srey, NGR Solutions, Nature Wild, FOSERA, and Eco Web.

The conference was facilitated through several sessions that aimed at


1. Providing an overview of what is meant by “Green Inclusive Growth for South East Asia” and how this concept needs to be inclusive of key stakeholders and beneficiaries from across the value chain.
2. Introducing national Green Growth roadmaps that are currently being conceptualised, implemented, and practiced across the region.
3. Developing a succinct strategy for cross-sector multi-stakeholder engagement in overseeing green growth initiatives.
4. Case study snapshots: Over viewing available tools and mechanisms available to achieve Green Growth and to optimize inclusion in green growth practices.
5. Developing effective strategies, policies, and active implementation to achieve inclusive green growth in the land management and agriculture sectors.
6. Developing effective strategies, policies, and active implementation to achieve inclusive green growth in the water sector.
7. Developing effective strategies, policies and active implementation to achieve inclusive green growth in the energy sector.
8. Quick fire cross-sector stakeholder round –Nexus approaches and final reflections.
There were a number of speakers (including speakers from government bodies, private sector, and CSO’s/NGO’s) that provided information about past experiences, lessons learnt and general overviews regarding the national policy on green inclusive growth. Amongst the speakers was Mr. Mam Sambath, Executive Director of DPA,   who also provided a presentation on Environmental Impact Assessment in Cambodia. As a result of the conference it was shown that the current activities conducted by DPA-EISEI have contributed to green inclusive growth particularly in the engagement with EIA draft guideline and law and the EIA report on mining companies. These reports show the social, economic and environmental impacts, both positive and negative.

Additionally, on March 27, 2014 DPA participated in CAFOD Regional Partner Workshop in Siem Reap province. All CAFOD partners in South East Asia attended; namely Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, Myanmar, and East Timor. The aim of the workshop was to provide a space for reflection and opinion making regarding the GIG concept. All participants actively discussed the risks, opportunities, solutions and approaches to GIG at a national and regional level. In addition, the workshop provided productive inputs for stakeholder mapping on water, land, energy, and other cross-sectors. It should be noted that GIG is not considered new concept and DPA has contributed to it on all sectors.
