Advocacy (DPA-EISEI Menu)

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In conjunction with the aforementioned educational and analysis efforts, advocating awareness of the range of issues related to extractive industry is crucial at all levels (local, provincial, national and international). Each level will require a tailored approach encompassing awareness building through media and education campaigns. As such, the following strategies are suggested to facilitate EISEI’s engagement of the range of stakeholders representing each level:

Local Level Advocacy

1. Leverage the capacity of local network members and member organizations to research, monitor and report extractive industry activity in their areas;

2. Support and advocate for local network members and member organizations to take ownership of the issues affecting them, engage in local government processes and build local level capacity to present their positions, concerns and findings to their communities, companies, local, provincial, national and international civil society organizations and local government officials;

3. Where necessary, facilitate the development of relationships between community and company representatives, with the aim of resolving community concerns peacefully and respectfully.

Provincial Level Advocacy

1. Leverage the capacity of provincial level network members and member organizations to research, monitor, document and organize local and provincial level reporting of extractive industry activity in their areas;

2. Engage provincial level government to create relationships and support their efforts to encourage responsible management of exploitable resources at the provincial level;

3. Create opportunities for provincial level network members and member organizations to engage all network members, provincial government, national government and international entities;

4. Support provincial level government bodies and officials to voice any of their concerns related to EI operations with national level government officials and political parties.

National Level Advocacy

1. Engage national level government to create relationships and support their efforts to encourage responsible management of exploitable resources;

2. Link national level government, members and member organizations with other network members through creating opportunities to engage other local, provincial and international level members, create relationships and share information;

3. Organize field studies for national level government, members and member organizations and national level NGOs/INGOs to visit mining sites and document impacts;

4. Work with national level government to adopt national level extractive industry policies in line with international standards of best management practices and the application of relevant international environmental and human rights conventions to which Cambodia is a signatory party.

International Level Advocacy

1. Engage international stakeholders (companies, organizations, etc.) to create relationships and initiate or support efforts to encourage responsible management of exploitable resources;

2. Link international stakeholders with other network members through creating opportunities to engage other local, provincial and international level members, create relationships and share information;

3. Link members and member organizations with relevant foreign civil society organizations, government bodies and regional fora to seek cooperation, information sharing and the raising of the profile of Cambodia’s challenges with EI.

4. Encourage dialogue with international governments to learn about their own approaches to extractive industry issues and their own application of international environmental and human rights conventions;

5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) focus via industry journals to raise awareness of good and bad practices of EI in Cambodia.
