Technical Analysis (DPA-EISEI Menu)

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Continue coordination of provincial baseline soil and water quality testing

In order to provide sufficient information to undertake environmental analysis in areas potentially affected by extractive industry, the EISEI secretariat network circulated a request for proposal (RFP) to several consultants detailing the required testing standards and parameters.Resource Development International Cambodia (RDI) has been selected and contracted to conduct the testing.

During this reporting period, the DPA-EISEI secretariat received the final completed report for phase two of Battambang province. In overall, the water quality in these lagoon and stream areas acceptable for human consumption and living environment by comparing with Cambodian Effluent Standard (CES) and Cambodian Drinking Water Quality Standard (CDWQS). However, there was found elevated conductivity, hardness and iron concentration which leads to aesthetic quality concern.

The DPA-EISEI secretariat staff will consolidate these results and provide a summary with other issues addressed by local communities as the national report for sharing with relevant stakeholder at the end of 2013.

Technical Analysis

In order to create an impartial forum for discussion and resolution of EI issues, EISEI will be prepared to undertake or coordinate independent analysis of issues related to EI activities reported by network members. Optimally, EISEI will aim to obtain information necessary to evaluate social and environmental impacts from EI activities from the range of stakeholders in the network. However, in cases where EISEI is unable to access sufficient information from network sources to form an understanding of the significance of any reported issues, EISEI will be prepared to conduct, or commission, the following activities in order to provide the independent assessment necessary to begin dialogue.

1- Background and baseline data collection;
2- Preparation of Initial Social & Environmental Impact Assessments (ISEIA);
3- Making possible recommendations for subsequent Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) or Social and Environmental Impact Assessments (SEIA);
4- Coordinating or conducting independent verification of implementation of prescribed mitigation measures and monitoring plans.
