Partnership Project
- Project Title: Rural Employment for COVID-19 Economic Recovery (RECOVER) (2021-2023)
- Outcome: a. Smallholder farmers and fishers have increased food production and consumption in the horticulture and livestock value chains through their use of effective agricultural practices, products and services.
- Outcome: b. Returnee labour migrants and laid-off workers in COVID-19 affected sectors have improved access to market-relevant skills, affordable finance and social protection.
- Project Information
- Project Title: Gender Transformative And Responsible Agribusiness in South East Asia (GRAISEA) (2018-2023)
- Outcome: a. Women and men small scale producers are able to participate and benefit fairly from economic opportunities in agriculture and value chains
- Outcome: b. Within the agriculture value chains, market actors deliver opportunities that integrate small producers, promote women’s economic empowerment and support climate resilience
- Outcome: c. National and regional policy frameworks drive inclusive business models that support women’s economic empowerment and climate resilience
- Project Information
- Building Resilient Community (2023-2025)
- Outcome: a. DPA partner target communities increased safe, low-cost and year-round productivity through application of agroecology and being supported with necessary infrastructure
- Outcome: b. ACs and PGs increased locally sourced infrastructure available to farmers for supporting safe food security and income
- Project Information
- Project Title: The economic and social wellbeing of vulnerable groups in Cambodia will unite to improve the rice supply chain in Cambodia (RTC) (2023-2027)