Reviewing DPA Contingency Plan and Standard Operation Procedure could provide effective and efficient emergency response

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DPA supports the vulnerable communities and individuals in DPA target areas through increasing the understanding and intervention of disaster preparedness and emergency assistance and response to the affected target communities in the target provinces. Contingency plan (CP) and standard operation procedures (SOP) review workshop is one of the most important activities in effective and efficient disaster preparedness and response that DPA was conducted on 10-11 August 2016 in Sotheavy Guest House, Takeo province.

The objectives of this workshop are to improve the knowledge and skill and review the existing DPA CP and SOP. The workshop was organized for 34 DPA staff which nine are female from all levels of staff including management, leadership, field and support staff. The workshop was facilitated by Dan Church Aid disaster management officer and DPA disaster management focal person. The contents of CP and SOP were went through and provided comments and clarifications based on the previous experiences and inputs from the facilitators. The key contents of the DPA CP and SOP are included rationale, purposes of the plan, who is the plan for, scope of response, disaster scenarios, response focus and response package, roles and responsibilities of emergency management team and implementing team, communication and information management, and who do what when disaster strike, coordination and collaboration with local authorities and relevant government departments, funding and other agencies. Most important documents such as rapid assessment questionnaire (Key Iinformance and Focus Group Discussion), stakeholder and supplies mapping, contact list relevant stakeholders and others were attached as annex.

At the end of the workshop, all staff are familiar with the review of DPA CP and SOP before the emergency season. The actions plan after the workshop were raised and follow up to finalize DPA CP and SOP.